Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Plus Sized Moms

Some of us, myself included, have a little extra padding. Sometimes from previous babies or sometimes just from life itself, but it's there. It's been my experience that sometimes, a plus sized mother is sort of looked at a little differently because of the weight.

Yes, we are more at risk for health problems but that DOES NOT MEAN you are automatically going to have a c-section. Plus sized women give birth to babies vaginally all the time and are not always "high risk".

Extra weight does pose a threat, and it's important to limit your weight gain to about 15 lbs, but don't be surprised if you loose some weight! Some plus sized women loose weight during their pregnancies as they start walking or just cannot eat anything due to the morning sickness! Discuss what is right for you with your Doctor or Midwife.

If you want to avoid a c-section, please tell your health care provider so. They are here to help YOU, to be convenient for YOU, so please don't be trapped in thinking "okay, let's do whatever they want." No, no, no...this is YOUR body, YOUR baby so the decision is yours ladies. Some women do need a c-section, with good reason, but keep this figure in mind... Only 5% of C-sections are TRUE Emergencies. Crazy huh?

Also, don't by fooled by this "big women have big babies" nonsense, this is not the case in every situation! I am a plus-sized woman and I had a 5 lb, 14 oz child! That is not "big" by any means at all. Other plus sized women I've spoken to have had 6lb babies, and that isn't big either! Yes, some women do end up having 10 lb babies, but that includes thinner women as well!

My words of wisdom for you during your pregnancies... Eat Well (some providers have you see a nutritionist, which is a good idea. They ideally want caloric intake to be between 1800-2000 calories per day), Get Lots of Rest (nap if you have to ladies, you'll end up feeling much better!), Drinks Lots of Water (you don't understand how much you need it till pregnancy, water keeps every metabolic process in the body underway!), and Get Some Light Exercise (walking is the BEST during pregnancy, low impact but a calorie burner!).

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