Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mac n' cheese w/ chopped up broccoli stalks! YUM!

I made Chicken Broccoli Alfredo the other night for dinner and had left over broccoli stalks. Thinking about what exactly to do with them, I decided to chop them up, boil them to make them soft and throw them in some macaroni and cheese! YUM YUM YUM! I'm always trying to figure out new things to sneak veggies in, as I have to trick my two year old to eat any vegetable that isn't a tomato!

I used Walmart's brand of macaroni & cheese (38 cents at the moment!!) and then threw in the chopped broccoli stalks after the noodles were done cooking & were drained. Then I put the butter, cheese & milk in and voila! A very filling lunch and great for pregnant & lactating moms! Good amount of protein, vitamins & minerals!

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