Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome Charlotte Mae!

Wow, life has been busy! And when I say busy, I mean INSANELY busy! We just welcomed another member of the Clark family! Charlotte Mae Clark was born Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 7:01 am. She weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz and was 19 inches long. I was scheduled to be induced that very day but went into labor naturally. At 12:45 am the 31st I woke up with some cramping. Now at the time I was 39 weeks pregnant so I was used to the cramps. Just before 3 am I felt the need to get to the bathroom and quickly! The contractions started right after. At 4:45 am I called my nurse midwife. By 5:30 we were at the hospital. At 5:45 am the nurse did her first cervical check and I was 6 cm! Three pushes & out she came, healthy! She breast crawled (just like the video I have posted!) and we were left alone to bond. Her clavicle broke during delivery but other than that, everything has been wonderful!

Pictures coming soon!