Monday, December 26, 2011


Since my life is just so darn crazy, I'm going to collaborate my three blogs into one. I have blogs about being a Doula student, an aspiring Nurse-Midwife blog & a "Nurse Mom" blog on how to keep your family healthy from a nursing students point of view.

That being said...I recently started LPN school & I'm proud to report I'm doing very, very well. I absolutely love it! I will be graduating February 13, 2013 & will take my licensing exam afterwards. From there, I'll be getting my RN and hopefully will continue to my BSN, MSN & hopefully my CNM. We shall see.

So the collaboration means you'll see different types of posts from time to time when my life permits.

Till then, take care!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome Charlotte Mae!

Wow, life has been busy! And when I say busy, I mean INSANELY busy! We just welcomed another member of the Clark family! Charlotte Mae Clark was born Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 7:01 am. She weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz and was 19 inches long. I was scheduled to be induced that very day but went into labor naturally. At 12:45 am the 31st I woke up with some cramping. Now at the time I was 39 weeks pregnant so I was used to the cramps. Just before 3 am I felt the need to get to the bathroom and quickly! The contractions started right after. At 4:45 am I called my nurse midwife. By 5:30 we were at the hospital. At 5:45 am the nurse did her first cervical check and I was 6 cm! Three pushes & out she came, healthy! She breast crawled (just like the video I have posted!) and we were left alone to bond. Her clavicle broke during delivery but other than that, everything has been wonderful!

Pictures coming soon!