Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Importance of prenatal vitamins

Once we find out we're pregnant, we're told to take our vitamins, each and everyday. Why is this exactly? The importance of keeping both you and your baby (or babies!) healthy. Also, these vitamins and minerals are important for your baby's growth in your womb :)

(as a side note---I love these particular vitamins! They were wonderful!)

What's in those vitamins anyhow?

Lots of stuff! Ingredients like folic acid keep away birth defects, vitamin D and calcium for bone synthesis and upkeep, vitamin A for tissue growth and restoration (and to keep you healthy!), Vitamin C to keep your immune system happy, Vitamin E for good, healthy cells and lots more!

Why should I still take them if I eat healthily?

Good question, with a simple answer. It can be quite possible that you're not getting quite enough of certain vitamins per day. The best solution? Eat a healthy, nutritious diet and take your vitamin daily.

Oh no, I'm constipated from all that iron! Now what?!

Oh yes, the "benefits" of iron :) My suggestion is to increase your fluid (particularly water) and perhaps if you're really having an issue, try some laxative type foods, like coconut. I also believe Phillips capsules are safe during pregnancy (these are stool softeners).